A journey from the captivity of the past to a new life in Christ.
Or, you can take the new Christian out of their ‘old life’.
But can you get the ‘old life’ out of the new Christian?
Today’s Christian faces as many challenges as the early church faced, they are just different. Nevertheless, they can cause suffering in the lives of Christians or become extreme temptations.
Many new Christians want to do what God wants them to do but so often they find they do the opposite. Don’t worry, the Apostle Paul felt the same.
For the new Christian this book will explore the difference between the life they lived before coming to know Jesus and how to move forward on their Journey with God. Based on the experiences of the Israelites as they came out of captivity in Egypt.
Out of Egypt looks at the way God will free modern Christians from the slavery that binds them to their past and the things that stop them living a richly blessed Godly life: whilst exploring Gods ways to equip them for their journey to the promised land.
In this book we consider many of the questions that are being asked of the Christian including
• What is the relevance of the Bible today?
• How can the experience of the Israelites help us in our modern world?
• What is the relevance today for the modern Christian of a series of events that took place nearly 4000 years ago?
• Who is God
• Is God speaking to us today?
• How will God set us free?
We explore the commandments and consider how to avoid the traps of this modern world and whether God will come to help us?
I mean, God can do all things, can’t He?
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