‘Puzzling Passages’ by Trisha Foote

Puzzling Passages by Trisha Foote
Illustrations by Kate Hobbs

Have you ever looked at a Bible passage and wondered what it meant?

What did Jesus mean when he talked about:
“A camel going through the eye of a needle?”
“That you had to get the plank of wood out of your own eye before you get the speck out of your neighbour’s eye?”
“Did a donkey really talk and why?”
“How do we put on the armour of God?”

If you’ve ever wondered about these and other confusing Bible verses, then take a look at this new book and find out the answers.

Fascinating Fact:
Earth is the only known planet where fire can burn. Everywhere else there’s not enough oxygen.

Fascinating Fact:
Did you know chameleons have one of the fastest tongues on earth and they lick their eyeballs to keep them clean?

Trisha is married to Kevin and has four children and five grandchildren. As well as writing she enjoys spending time with her family, walking and eating lots of cake. Trisha has worked as a Teaching Assistant in school and also ran a Christian club for children for 30 years.

